December 8th, 2023
Time to order your 2024 This Week in Science Blair’s Animal Corner Calendar!
Happy impending holidays, everyone!

Through the TWIS Zazzle store Calendar, you can order as many printed calendars as you have people on your gift list!!
We are working on a pdf version of the 2024 TWIS Blair’s Animal Corner Calendar, and hope to have one ready in time for the holidays as well but that version is still in progress.
Click on the horned frog! Don’t delay!! Get your 2024 TWIS Blair’s Animal Corner Calendar today!
Tags: Blair's Animal Corner, calendar, TWIS
Posted in Calendar, z-Announcements | No Comments »
November 18th, 2022

It’s FINALLY here!
And, Blair has outdone herself this year. The 2023 TWIS #BlairsAnimalCorner calenday is an incredible dive into color that will rejuvenate even the dullest of days. Each month highlights a different animal created from interlocking plastic bricks (some might call them Legos!)!
You can purchase the calendar as a digital download that also includes dates of TWIS live streams, & special science holidays.:
Or, you can buy a calendar printed by Zazzle here.
The Zazzle calendars unfortunately do NOT have the science holidays added to the months. But, the art is enough to keep your brain happily occupied. We promise, you’ll love it!
Either way you get your calendar this year, we look forward to sharing TWIS with you in 2023. Thank you for your support!
Tags: Blair's Animal Corner, calendar, education, podcast, This Week in Science
Posted in animals, Blair's Animal Corner, Calendar, z-Announcements | No Comments »
October 8th, 2021
Have you been waiting for the 2022 TWIS Blair’s Animal Corner calendar to become available for order? Putting off making plans in 2022 because your calendar isn’t confirmed?
Well, your wait is OVER!
TWIS is now taking orders for the 2022 TWIS Blair’s Animal Corner calendar. The 2022 calendar is a full-color, 12-month landscape oriented calendar with pages measuring 11.5 x 8 inches (this is the same as the 2021 calendar). Each month highlights an animal chosen and hand-drawn by Blair, and dates marked with special TWIS events and science-related holidays.
For just $24.99 per calendar plus a small charge for shipping, you can start to look forward to 2022 with TWIS! Just click the toad below to be directed to the PayPal order page:
Order a calendar for yourself and your friends & family!
Please, be aware that with changes to the USPS processes and prices, we are not certain how long shipping will take. But, we will do our best to get your calendar to you as soon as we are able.
We look forward to another year of TWIS with you!
Thank you for your order!
Tags: Blair Bazdarich, Blair's Animal Corner, calendar, science, This Week in Science, TWIS
Posted in animals, Blair's Animal Corner, Calendar, z-Announcements | No Comments »
April 13th, 2021
Don’t miss the DTNSxTWIS crossover this Saturday, April 17th, 2021 at 4pm PT!
TWIS is teaming up with our friends at DTNS to discuss things tech and science. We are thrilled to bring together two of the BEST teams in podcasting for a little conversation, debate, AND competition. Totally friendly competition. Because science and tech are friends – we can’t have one without the other.
Let us know what topics or questions you want us to discuss. We want to talk about things YOU want to hear. Want to go deeper on science and technology news? We can do that! Science and technology policy? We can go there too! We are all over science, technology, and society for sure.
So, join us for the fun this Saturday on your favorite platform: We’ll be streaming to the DTNS Twitch channel and to the TWIS YouTube channel.
4pm PT/6pm ET
Posted in Live show!!!, science, technology, z-Announcements | 1 Comment »
March 6th, 2019

We are going live on the west coast, the best coast, in Portland, OR. And, YOU can come see us! ill also be able to see and hear our special musical guests, The PDX Broadsides. We are so thrilled to share a stage with their talent and humor.
That’s right, we’re doing a live broadcast in partnership with Science on Tap and Science Talk at the Alberta Rose Theater on Wednesday, April 3rd, 2019.
Buy tickets HERE!
Are you thinking of coming to see us? Let us know! We can’t wait to meet you.
But, if you can’t come to Portland, we will try to broadcast to our YouTube channel. We hope you can watch.
Tags: Blair Bazdarich, Dr. Kiki, Dr. Kirsten Sanford, education, Justin Jackson, Kirsten Sanford, podcast, science news, science podcast, STEM, This Week in Science, TWIS
Posted in Live show!!!, z-Announcements | No Comments »
October 19th, 2017
The 2018 Blair’s Animal Corner TWIS Calendar is now available for pre-order! Click the image below to reserve yours now!
Pre-order your calendar (or 4) now! The more you pre-order, the better it will be for everyone.
This year’s calendar features black and white hand-drawn art of various animal species by our resident zoologist, Blair.
Each year, Blair lovingly spends hours upon hours produces the artwork for this calendar, and this year in homage to her color-blind state, it’s a black and white calendar for YOU to color.
Additionally, as usual, the calendar will include special scientifically relevant dates to be aware of during the year. Never be caught by surprise on a day to celebrate science and geekery! Get the Blair’s Animal Corner TWIS calendar to always be in the know.
Pre-ordered calendars will be sent in the mail in the end of November to December, 2017.
Tags: Blair Bazdarich, calendar, podcast, This Week in Science, TWIS
Posted in animals, Blair's Animal Corner, Calendar, z-Announcements | No Comments »
November 15th, 2016
[EDIT: We are sold out! Thank you for your support this year, and we hope that you enjoy your calendar!]
It’s that time of year again… time to get your TWIS calendar for NEXT year!
We know that you are already planning for 2017 already, and so are we!
Blair has worked her artsiness once again, and prepared another fantastic Blair’s Animal Corner calendar just for you.
The calendar includes:
– Original artwork by Blair!
– Special science-y dates to be aware of throughout the year!
– Reminders for the weekly TWIS broadcast!
– Our birthdays!!!
So many reasons to celebrate. So many ways to science. Make 2017 the year you mark with a TWIS Blair’s Animal Corner calendar!!!
Give the TWIS calendar as a gift this holiday season!
We will ship in time for Christmas for those of you planning to give calendars as gifts!
Tags: Blair Bazdarich, Blair's Animal Corner, calendar, Dr. Kirsten Sanford, Justin Jackson, new media, news, podcast, radio, science, science news, science podcast, science radio, talk, technology, This Week in Science, TWIS
Posted in animals, Blair's Animal Corner, Calendar, z-Announcements | 4 Comments »
October 5th, 2016
Are you in or near the Baltimore, MD area? Will you be on Nov. 4th, 2016?
If the answer to these questions is YES, come join the TWIS team at the National Aquarium for a LIVE show!
That’s right. We are traveling to Baltimore for the Maryland STEM Festival opening ceremonies, which take place from 1-4pm ET at the National Aquarium.
Our show lineup will be packed with not only science news, but also live interviews! We will be joined by a NASA scientist, a marine scientist, AND world renowned, but local Baltimore beatboxer, Shodekeh… expect musical, conversational, and scientific excitement.
We are going to have so much fun bringing TWIS to Baltimore and the Maryland STEM Festival! We’d love to see you there!
Join us!!!
Tags: Blair Bazdarich, Dr. Kiki, Dr. Kirsten Sanford, Justin Jackson, Kirsten Sanford, Maryland STEM Festival, new media, news, Patreon, podcast, radio, science, science news, science podcast, science radio, talk, technology, This Week in Science, TWIS
Posted in Live show!!!, STEM Festival, z-Announcements | 2 Comments »