Need a 2022 TWIS Blair’s Animal Corner Calendar?


Have you been waiting for the 2022 TWIS Blair’s Animal Corner calendar to become available for order? Putting off making plans in 2022 because your calendar isn’t confirmed?

Well, your wait is OVER!

TWIS is now taking orders for the 2022 TWIS Blair’s Animal Corner calendar. The 2022 calendar is a full-color, 12-month landscape oriented calendar with pages measuring 11.5 x 8 inches (this is the same as the 2021 calendar). Each month highlights an animal chosen and hand-drawn by Blair, and dates marked with special TWIS events and science-related holidays.

For just $24.99 per calendar plus a small charge for shipping, you can start to look forward to 2022 with TWIS! Just click the toad below to be directed to the PayPal order page:

Order a calendar for yourself and your friends & family!

Please, be aware that with changes to the USPS processes and prices, we are not certain how long shipping will take. But, we will do our best to get your calendar to you as soon as we are able.

We look forward to another year of TWIS with you!
Thank you for your order!


About the Author

I'm the host of this little science show.