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TWIS Bookclub Archive
TWIS Bookclub — Book of the Month for March
Titan Unveiled: Saturn’s Mysterious Moon Explored Ralph Lorenz, Jacqueline Mitton On January 14, 2005, the ESA Huygens probe ended a two billion mile, seven year journey by plunging into the atmosphere of Saturn’s enigmatic moon Titan. The data it returned transformed our picture of that distant world. In March’s book, follow the story of Huygens […] -
TWIS Bookclub — Book of the Month for February
Sex at Dawn: The Prehistoric Origins of Modern Sexuality Christopher Ryan, Cacilda Jethá Just in time for Valentine’s Day, the TWIS Bookclub’s latest pick is an investigation into sexuality, human nature and evolution. What can the deep past tell us about relationships today? Find out in February! buy -
TWIS Bookclub — Book of the Month for January
The Emerald Planet: How Plants Changed Earth’s History David Beerling No organisms have had a more profound effect on life on Earth than plants, nor been so overlooked in popular accounts of evolutionary history. In a collection of stories that span geological eras, David Beerling sets the record straight, explaining the evolution of plants and […] -
23 December, 2010 – This Week in Science
Genomic Fossils, Ecstasy Therapy, Brainy Photons, Smart Feels Good, Matter Matters, Anti-Microbial Colding, Correlation Station, BPA Eggs, A Lunar Eclipse, And Much More... -
02 December, 2010 – This Week in Science
This Toxic Life, More Stars!, Prediction Hearing, Gut Love, Botox Weakness, Vitamin D NOT A Cure-all, Wired Drunks Are Bad, Gamburtsev Questions, Moderation Wins Again, And Much More!!! -
TWIS Bookclub — Book of the Month for December
Apocalypse: Earthquakes, Archaeology and the Wrath of God Amos Nur In “Apocalypse”, Amos Nur explores the intersection of history, geophysics and archaeology. Earthquakes are one of the most devastating manifestations of the awesome forces of geology. Has their role in the collapse of ancient societies been seriously underestimated? Find out in December’s book! buy from: […] -
TWIS Bookclub — Book of the Month for November
Bad Science Ben Goldacre We live in a scientific age, and even purveyors of nonsense, magic, wishful thinking, quackery and plain fraud want to be associated with the awesome authority of science. In November, Ben Goldacre’s book will help us separate the real thing from Bad Science. buy from: -
TWIS Bookclub — Book of the Month for October
Dark Banquet: Blood and the Curious Lives of Blood-Feeding Creatures Bill Schutt Vampire bats, leeches, mosquitoes: few other species evoke such horror or revulsion, or such fascination. In the TWIS Bookclub’s Halloween Book of the Month, Bill Schutt looks beyond myth and folklore to investigate the science of sanguinivores. buy from: