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planets Archive
This Week in Science – December 11, 2007 Broadcast
Justin Gets Sick and Quits, Triclocarban and Testosterone, Belief is in the Brain, Mooning Over Saturn, Rest Up, Genetic Bi-Sexuality, & Interview w/ Chris Impey re: Astrobiology -
This Week in Science – April 26, 2007 Broadcast
Rats Know Failure, Brain Pain Not a Drain, Justin’s HIV Rant, ET’s Home?, Doctors Get Dough, Drink It!, The Weird in Washington, TWIStributor!!!, Angelic Clouds, Melamine Madness, The Nitty Gritty -
This Week in Science – March 20, 2007 Broadcast
Sound or Electricity?, Sobriety Check, Video Game Vision, Risky 10-Year Olds, Watery Mars, Get There Rested, Never Had Sex, Mini-Mammal, Scary Croco-fish, CPR Questions, Birdie Bilinguists, TWIS-Bytes, & Interview w/ Dr. Nina Jablonski -
This Week in Science – December 19, 2006 Broadcast
Merry TWISMAS!!!, TWIS Digg Contest: Win a Free TWIS Tshirt and Science Music CD, Bacteria Around Us, Starlight Stardust, Frigid Faithful, Justin Raves About Circumcision, & Interview w/ Dr. David Weintraub, astronomer and author of ‘Is Pluto a Planet?’ -
This Week in Science – December 12, 2006 Broadcast
Watery Mars?, Watch Out for Geminids, Raising Lazarus, Before Life, Playing and Quaking, Keep Xmas QUIET, Justin Baby Talks, Really Mini-Condoms, Dino Baby, Super Magnetic Computing, New Nuclear, Hairy Stem Cells, & Milky Mutations -
This Week in Science – September 05, 2006 Broadcast
Plutons or Pluto, Sorta Solving the Stem Cell Issue, E for Asthma!, Get Your Own God Network, Methane Madness, A Moment of Silence for the Croc Hunter, and Interview w/ Nobel Laureate Dr. Peter Doherty -
This Week in Science – August 01, 2006 Broadcast
It’s My Birthday! We’re Gonna Party!, All’s War in Sex and Love, Oceans of Bacteria, Oceanic Dead Zone, Power Company Collusions, Shooting Sulfur at the Sky, Rising From the Ashes, Build Up the Grid!, Cancer Contaminant, Global Happiness Map, Talkin’ Solar, and QuickScienceBlurbathon. -
This Week in Science – June 27, 2006 Broadcast
Spam in a Vat, Slamming into the Moon, Justin Updates His Predictions, This Week in The End of the World: Take Your Pick – Earthquakes, Asteroids, or Global Warming, Interview w/ Astrobiologist, Dr. Robert Hazen