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biology Archive
This Week in Science – June 20, 2006 Broadcast
Science Cartoon Contest, Spinach for Baby?, Why You Dirty Rat!, Longest Sperm Contest, Bucket-o-love, Another Missing Link, Not for the Faint of Heart, Poopy Pandas, Going Batty, Monkeys and the Weather Channel -
This Week in Science – June 13, 2006 Broadcast
Coffee Soaked Livers, Scientific Assumptions Regarding Lions, Rate Your Happiness, Car Safety Tips, Giantic Intergalactic Balls of Gas, Kids 1 – Adults 0, Robots Take Soccer!, TWIS on Hyperdrive, Interview w/ James M. Sikela on the Current State of Genomic Research into Human Evolution. -
This Week in Science – June 06, 2006 Broadcast
Disclaiming Disclaimers, Chocoholics Nightmare, Hayabusa Update!, Universal Baby Pictures, Australia Bashing… Really, Neutrinos Down By the Sea, Human or Not Human You Make the Call, No Need to Count Sheep, World Robot Domination!!! -
This Week in Science – May 30, 2006 Broadcast
575 Joan of Arc Years, Ugh… Bad Sound Quality, Driving Us Wild, Blame the Bacteria, Chocolate Smarties, Weed for Your Health, LA Insubstantiations, Leeches!, Robot Domination, Hobbit Drama, In Search of the 5th Dimension, Communism Takes the Bacteria, and Oh, the End of the World. -
This Week in Science – May 23, 2006 Broadcast
Justin Disclaims, Space Fashion Forward, Alcohol and Your Brain, The Difference Dopamine Makes, Just Be Nice, Caution: Mothballs, This Week in the End of the World, The Biggest Story in History is all Mirrors (sorry, no smoke), Anitbiotic Anti-Climax, Chimp-man?!? Human-zee!?!, Neander-man? Human-dertal?!? -
This Week in Science – May 16, 2006 Broadcast
Jon Stewart is Hurting America, Oh, Woo, Woo, Woo… Woo Suck, Birds Who Eat Dogs, Oceanic Tea Leaves, Llama Dipsticks, Sharks, Magnets, and Geomagnetics, Dragonflying, New Fad Diets on the Horizon, Free-Market Moms, Light Gets Freaky, Braniacs Unite! -
This Week in Science – May 09, 2006 Broadcast
Beneficial Deafness?, Bring on the Rain, Weakening Walker, Anti-microbial Sludge No Good, Dolphin-Talkie, Smell Ivanka’s Glove, Baby Robot Domination, and an Interview w/ Dr. Lisa Randall author of ‘Warped Passages’. -
This Week in Science – May 02, 2006 Broadcast
Pollen Pretenses, Sonar Beach, Big Wierd Booms, Oil No More, Body Power Alternatives, Baby Alcoholics, Birth Canal Benefits, and Two Interviews!!! Interview with Joel Primack and Nancy Abrams, Authors of “The View from the Center of the Universe”, and with Marine Geologist, Dr. Steven Scott, about Deep Sea Mining.