03 October, 2013 – Episode 434 – This Week in Science


The End Of Science? Fighting The Fight, TWITEOTW, Three Crying Mice, Broadcast Spawners Do It, Naked Mole Rats Do It Better, Bionic Legs!!!, Bird Brain Development, And Much More…

Disclaimer, disclaimer, disclaimer!!!
This Week in Science… coming up next

The End of Science?
Oh, no… just the government funding science. The government sequester has already been felt by scientific research labs around the country, but the shutdown has had even deeper effects.

Fighting the Good Fight
Kansas rises again in the battle for children’s minds with a novel lawsuit arguing that teaching science breaks the law separating church and state.

This Week in the End of the World
Ocean acidification and warming are leading to a more rapid decline in coral species in some areas of the world.

Blair’s Animal Corner
Mice tears give away their age
Male mice know not to mate with children due to the pheromones in their tears. Terrifying…

Broadcast spawners still have a choice
Invertebrates can still pick their mates even when dumping genetic data into ocean currents!

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Naked Mole Rats Do It Better
Make proteins, that is… a slight difference in their Ribosomal RNA allow the animals to make proteins with fewer errors.

A Bionic Leg!!!
The first thought-controlled robotic leg was revealed this week.

Less Like Father Than Like Step-father
The songs and brains of male zebra finches were found to be more related to environment and food availability than heritability.

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About the Author

I'm the host of this little science show.