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Top 11 of 2005, Black Hole Loops?, Ring Rain, Momma Says Danger, Swimming With Danger, Guns Kill Kids, Space Fossils, Earth Fossils, Facebook Value?, CRISPR Mutants & Precision, Sounds Like Home, And Much More…
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As another trip around the sun nears its end…
We often begin taking a number of looks back at the year in science that was…
With a Top Eleven best of… re-countdown-ing
Which I believe is next weeks show.
Despite that this is not the show in which we wistfully look back on the year that was
It’s hard not to take a little pause here at the 700th episode of TWIS
And think of all the science stories we’ve thunk about together…
That’s two episodes a day,
every day for all of the days of 2018 that lead up to today!
And to think of how many stories we didn’t cover.
How many more stories are headed our way.
And how no matter what seems to be going on in the world.
Each week we all get together to find out what’s been going on
This Week In Science
Coming Up Next…
Top 11 of 2005
Looking back at where we were… although we’ve been on the air at KDVS 90.3 FM since 2000, our podcast got its start in early 2005. So, I went back to our 2005 end of the year show to see what stories made the cut.
11) Cryptobiology – monkey cat
10) human reconstruction/cyborgs
9) Nanobots
8) Paleontology
7) Space robots – Cassini, Deep Impact, Hayabusa
6) Birdflumageddon/Tamiflu
5) Beginning of the universe
4) Origin of life
3) Stem cells and cloning scandal
2) Global warming – human caused
1) Evolution
Remember to join us next week for our 2018 Top 11 science stories year in review show to take a look back at what happened this year.
Black Hole Loops?
Does a new way of looking at physics taking place in singularities confirm that white holes exist?
Ring Rain
Saturn’s rings aren’t going to last forever.
Orangutans know when to stay quiet, and how to explain the past
Mum was the word for orangutans with a tiger nearby, but once the danger had passed, they sounded the alarm to tell their babies what just happened. This is quite the complex communication system, even for us!
Salmon become nose-blind to danger under changing ocean chemistry
Salmon can still smell the danger, but with heightened CO2 levels, they just don’t seems to care…
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This Week in What Has Science Done for me Lately?!?
“What has TWIS done for me? Lately, some good stuff. But if I go back. Way back. It’s done something really amazing.
January 2012 – episode 355. A young ZooKeeper unsure of what her place is in this world, rings a doorbell in Noe Valley. Just a few months later, that ZooKeeper, still unsure of what her place is in this world, but enjoying every moment of science communication, is asked point blank in the chatroom what authority she has – as she is not a scientist. She agrees, she is not a scientist. The good doctor sitting next to her chimes in: “”You read articles, vet methods, do supplemental research, and communicate complex science to the public. You studied a science, and work in it. You use scientific thinking. You are a scientist.”” YOU. ARE. A. SCIENTIST.
Something clicks. That young scientist was never the same. Ever. And that was a good thing.
Thanks to this show, science is part of my identity and a priority in my life, and I grow and learn every week. Thanks to this show, I get to use knowledge and skills that I don’t always get to use other days of the week. I get to be an artist, when I was told I couldn’t. Thanks to this show, my life is organized, defined, and explained totally differently, and my passion has a place to live. Thanks to the listeners, the tweeters, the chatroomers, the patreon supporters. Thanks to the IT helpers, the friends and family that come out to our shows. Thanks to Justin for really championing this whole “”Blair’s Animal Corner”” thing, which in episode 356 was originally deemed “”Blair’s Animal House.””
But most of all, I am thankful to Dr Kiki, who gave me a chance at something when I was definitely not an obvious choice. Not a grad student, not even in education or communication at the time. But this ZooKeeper met up with her for coffee to discuss an internship, and things will never ever be the same.
It’s episode 700, and I am thankful for the past 7 years of This Week in Science.
–Blair Bazdarich”
#2 cause of death
Can science lead us to real gun control?
Space Fossils
Do ancient dust clouds tell us about the evolution of our universe?
Earth Fossils
Did feathers evolve more than once? Looks like it.
Facebook value?
How much would it cost for you to give up Facebook?
CRISPR Mutants
Our use of CRISPR isn’t ready for prime time yet.
CRISPR Precision
But, we are getting more precise every day.
Sounds like home.
Corals may listen for the ideal settling place, which opens up interesting methods for saving reefs!
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