26 September, 2013 – Episode 433 – This Week in Science


Mud Island Tales, Lots Of Water On Mars, Making Fishes Manly, Whispered Science, Mouse Song, Don’t Eat The Baby!, Beholding Beauty, Stress Stinks, Bingeing In The Brain, Habitable Exomoons, And Much More…

Disclaimer, disclaimer, disclaimer!!!
This Week in Science… coming up next

A new island?
Pakistan suffered some deadly earthquakes recently, but the terrestrial shaking also brought a new island into the spotlight.

Water on Mars!
The topsoil on Mars is 2% water according to data from the Curiosity rover.

And, Maybe Mars Is Playing With Us
What organic molecules? Perchlorate on Mars might be masking signs of life.

Blair’s Animal Corner
The masculinization of fishes?!
Hormones in the water mean bad news for fish, and possibly for people, too.

First ever recorded instance of non-human primates whispering
Now, if I could just figure out what they are saying about my shoes…

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Don’t Eat The Baby!
Really, even though you feel like it, you shouldn’t.

In the eye of the beholder
We find people (& animals) beautiful for a reason: Beauty means you’re not dangerous!

Brain Science
Why The World Smells
Stress can lead to normal smells becoming nauseating. Researchers have found how stress and smells might be linked in the brain.

Overeating Circuits Revealed
Neurons connect the amygdala to the hypothalamus, possibly allowing emotion to trigger eating behavior.

Habitable Exomoons???
There might be lots of them, although they might have some pretty special requirements in order to exist.

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About the Author

I'm the host of this little science show.