29 August, 2018 – Episode 685 – This Week in Science (TWIS) Podcast


Interview w/ Anil Ananthaswamy, Less Nutritious Air, AWAKE And Surfing, Ultima Thule Targeted, Service Shrimp, Turtle Trees, Poop Mom, Secret Head Tunnels, The Microbe Fog, Bionic Eye Alert!, And Much More…

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Hey! You know that cool post you saw today?
You know the one.
The one that was funny, no scary!
No, thought-provoking….
No, it was the one that proved a point you already believed…

Well anyway, even though aunt Helen, or cousin Joe, or that cool girl Stacey,
or even your annoying but constantly present on social media coworker Karen
(no one cares about your cat’s inner monologue, Karen)!
Even though they shared it this morning,
there’s something we need you to do before you hit “share.”

Please, please, PLEASE!
For the love of Sagan,
Do a quick google,
look for dissenting articles,
or at the very least…
Click on the link first.

It was a woodlouse spider.
And it never killed anyone.

So pull up a chair,
and a set of headphones,
grab your thinking cap,
and join us for some reasoned discourse,
meant for more than shares and likes
(though we wouldn’t say no to some)
Coming up next…

Interview with Anil Ananthaswamy
Anil Ananthaswamy is an award-winning journalist and former staff writer and deputy news editor for the London-based New Scientist magazine. He has been a guest editor for the science writing program at the University of California, Santa Cruz, and organizes and teaches an annual science journalism workshop at the National Centre for Biological Sciences in Bengaluru, India. He is a freelance feature editor for the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science’s Front Matter. He contributes regularly to the New Scientist, and has also written for Nature, National Geographic News, Discover, Nautilus, Matter, The Wall Street Journal and the UK’s Literary Review. The Edge of Physics and The Man Who Wasn’t There were his first two books, and now he returns with Through Two Doors At Once, a book about the elegant double-slit experiment and its influence on our understanding of the quantum world.

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This Week in What Has Science Done for me Lately?!?
“So… this is more tech, but…
I was a smoker for a while, and by the end of 2013 I was smoking 2.5 to 3 packs a day (that, I’m sad to say, is not an exaggeration). A friend wanted to get me off cigarettes. I had tried things like the patch, the gum, etc, but it didn’t work.
My friend happened to work at a vape shop, and decided to try and get me on that.
To keep this whole thing short… within a couple months of vaping (that is, by early 2014) I had dropped cigarettes entirely and, fast forward to a couple months ago (this year), and I went 100% nicotine-free. Now, it’s true that I still vape, but that’s because, for some reason, it helps curb my sweet-tooth.There is no nicotine at all in what I vape, however. Just vegetable glycerin and strawberry nectarine flavoring. And also, it’s probable that I’m addicted to the actual act itself, as the simple ritual of building a coil, installing it in the atomizer, and wicking it is very relaxing, and I have an anxiety disorder so…
–Nathan Hevenstone”

Less Nutritious Air
Increased CO2 levels affect plants ability to absorb and incorporate nutrients.

AWAKE And Surfing
A new experiment at CERN is pushing the envelope for particle accelerator technology.

Ultima Thule Targeted
Farthest picture ever taken from Earth, New Horizon’s has it’s target in sight.

Cleaner shrimp? More like nurse shrimp, ammiright??
Cleaner shrimp also help fish heal. Now that’s service!

Motherhood is a load of crap
Or in naked mole rats, maternal instincts are because of it.

Turtle family tree coming in clearer.
A new discovery may help us clear up some long unsettled science business.

Secret Head Tunnels
Your brain and skull might have conversations about health. According to a new NIH-funded study, immune cells are more likely to travel to the damaged brain from the skull’s bone marrow than from other parts of the body. And, the cells move through special channels that connect the skull to the brain’s meninges.

Microbes like the fog
“Ride the wave!” they say. You should perhaps shut your windows…

Bionic Eye Alert!
The first 3-D printed bionic eye prototype has been reported.

Understand inflection. Uh oh.

Pesticide Addicted Bees
Bees exposed to neonicitinoid pesticides are more likely to choose foods containing those same pesticides to eat.

Itokawa Story
Itokawa, a near-Earth asteroid from which Japan successfully brought back a sample of surface dust grains, is as old as the solar system, but experienced a unique collision event about 1.5 billion years ago that set it on a tragectory to be captured by Earth’s gravity.

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About the Author

I'm the host of this little science show.