18 November, 2015 – Episode 541 – This Week in Science Podcast (TWIS)


An End Ahead, California’s Textbooks, Magnet-o-heads, Pre-pre Clovis, Sex or Food?, Crabs Feel Pain, Earwig Momma Dramas, Being Social, A Drug For Aging, Just Drink Coffee, Coconuts Versus Candida, Stretch Mark Science, Exoplanetary Excitement, Blood Jellies, And Much More…

Disclaimer Disclaimer Disclaimer!
In Paris this week…
Yet another act of terrorism…
an act of violence in the name of hate…
in the name of a  religion…
in the name of an ideology…
in the name of ignorance…
And what is the world to make of such a gesture?
The act is itself an invitation…
An invitation to be afraid… or to hate…
an invitation to respond with clarity or with ignorance…
It is in how we answer this invitation that will determine the outcome of such attacks…
Though we are invited to respond however we choose…
And despite the best efforts of this and other theocratic fundamentalist religious ideologies…
They cannot kill the knowledge held by a world that does not rely upon their god…
And while gods may come and go…
open to interpretation as they are…
No bullet, no bomb, no words of hate…  
will ever replace the laws of physics…
No bullet, no bomb, no words of hate…  
will deter the free thinker from thinking freely…
No bullet, no bomb, no words of hate…  
will take away the advances gained in free pursuit of knowledge…
Truth, free thinking and free people will not be silenced by such acts…
So instead of any moments of silence we offer you…
This Week in Science…
Coming up next…

An End Ahead
A leaked memo from NIH head Francis Collins suggests that the NIH will be phasing out all support for invasive chimpanzee research.

California’s Textbooks
An analysis of four science textbooks from two publishers determined that the language they use to teach about climate change sews confusion about the evidence. That said the books are from 2007 and 2008. Perhaps newer books will be more accurate.

What gives insects and animals their magnetic field sensing abilities? Maybe a protein complex in the eyes! A new study discovered that when a protein they called MagR gets paired with chryptochrome, the complex aligns with magnetic fields.

Earlier Earliest Americans may not have gotten the worm
Study pushing back American settlement suggests that their earlier isn’t as early as its gonna get.

Sex or Food?
A new study shows that great tits will choose to stay with their mate and their mate’s flock, even when it means reduced accessibility to food. Now that’s dedication.

Crabs feel pain
Next time you are about to drop a crab or lobster into that boiling water, remember this research, which indicates that these tasty invertebrates most likely do feel pain.

Face it, you will most likely turn into your parents.
Earwigs that were abandoned by their mothers were more likely to leave their own children to their own devices, though they did usually grow bigger. Is it worth the trade-off? Probably not…

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Cell phone stranger danger?
Online isn’t anti-social for social teens

A Drug For Aging
J147, an experimental drug for treating Alzheimer’s disease, was recently administered to rapidly aging mice, and seen to improve multiple measurements related to brain health and aging.

Just Drink Coffee
An observational study of around 200,000 people found a link between coffee consumption and decreased mortality risk.

Anti-fungal coconut oil…
Coconut oil fights off Candida. Who knew?

What the heck is a stretch mark?
Research delves into the microscopic happenings in your skin. Turns out that no lotion or cream will fix that mark.

Exoplanetary Excitement
A distant planet is surrounded by toxic gases whirling at 8500 km/h. AND, Much closer to home, relatively speaking, is a rocky exoplanet with an atmosphere that we can observe.

Jellies in your blood!!
Myxozoans, microscopic parasitic organisms that live inside of animals turn out to be animals themselves. They are cnidarians, like jellies, and cause us to look at how we define the word “animal” a bit closer.

Men Eat For Ladies
The opposite of the female date dining habit appears to be true for males.

Wingy Swingy
Bats use their wings for landing leverage.

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About the Author

I'm the host of this little science show.