07 June, 2017 – Episode 622 – This Week in Science Podcast (TWIS)


Interview w/ Adrienne Godschalx re: Plant Defenses, Confirming Einstein, Void Life, We’re All Moroccan?, Old Rock… Paintings, CAR-T Therapy Win, Monkey Cat!!!, Climate’s All Connected, Magic Of Mucus, And Much More…

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There is an enemy of reason that seeks the destruction of us all…
It stalks the most casual of conversations…
Lurks in the shadows of common misconceptions
Gathers round the crowd to influence consensus
Permeates the peripheral of popular perception
Is present in the lowest acts of inhumanity
And at home in the highest most hallowed halls of government…
And this enemy,
invisible to most…
Has a name…
It’s not a crime to be ignorant…
Nor is it a decent defense…
But it is understandable why it is such a dominant force in the world…
And how powerless we may sometimes feel to defeat it…
It seems an impossible task, when each of us is ignorant of something…
As if the alternative must be for everyone to be informed on every subject
To know everything, in full expert detail so that we may be sure reason is thriving…
That we understand correctly the things we casually speak about…
But the task is far less daunting than it may at first seem…
We don’t need each of us to know everything…
We only need to learn how much knowledge is required to know the things we do not…
By recognizing our own ignorance of a subject, we can be enlightened by those who are not…
So in an effort to become reasonably enlightened despite our own ignorance we offer you…
This Week In Science…
coming up next.

This Week in What Has Science Done For Me Lately…
“I am an avid outdoors person, and live in eastern kentucky. Thanks to the biologists in Kentucky, in my life I have seen the return of the white tailed deer to Kentucky, along with turkey, otter, beaver, and elk. Black bear are working their way back, and hopefully grouse and quail will make a comeback soon…. currently they are battling diligently to stop white nose syndrome from destroying our bats, and to stop the emerald ash boarer from destroying our trees…… I am sure there is much more that I am forgetting”
–Minion Jeremiah Fuoss

Interview w/ Adrienne Godschalx on plants and their defenses
Adrienne moved to Portland in high school, and studied biology at Western Oregon University. She is currently a PhD candidate in Biology getting ready to defend her dissertation work, and a National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellow in the Ballhorn Lab at Portland State University.

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Confirming Einstein
Data mining observations of stars orbiting black holes made by the Keck telescope has allowed physicists to confirm general relativity.

Void Life
We live in a cosmological void. Understanding this might help clear up some discrepancies in measurements of the expansion rate of the universe.

We’re all Moroccan?
New skull find take humanity back to 300,000 years old.

Earliest directly dated rock paintings from southern Africa
What was going on 3000-5000 years ago?

CAR T-Cell therapy
Latest trial sends multiple myeloma into lasting remission.

Monkey Cat!!!
Caught on video, the Monkey cat of lore has been sighted.

It’s all connected
Marine reserves could curb the effects of climate change – safe havens could make all the difference.

“It’s like having a runny nose, but on your lips…”
Scientists set out to discover “the magic of mucus” in feeding on corals

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About the Author

I'm the host of this little science show.