13 February, 2019 – Episode 708 – This Week in Science Podcast (TWIS)


What is in This Week in Science?

Interview w/ Dr. Brian Keating, Bug-pocalypse, Heart-Shaped Tail, Sandy Footprints, Slimy Rocks, Love is for Losers, Emotional Alterations, Valentine’s Drinking Plans, Ultima Pancake, Mars Of Lost Loves, And Much More…

Want to listen to a particular story from the This Week in Science podcast? You can do that here. Just look for the time-code link in the description.


According to Wikipedia:
An adventure is an exciting experience that is typically a bold, sometimes risky, undertaking. Adventures may be activities with some potential for physical danger such as traveling, exploring, skydiving, mountain climbing, scuba diving, river rafting or participating in extreme sports.
And while risking life and limb may seem adventurous to some…
There is another form of adventure that requires less limblessness…
Every question posed
Every experiment run
Every data set examined
Is an adventure into the unknown
An adventure into unexplored territory
An intellectual sky dive into a world we often learn we just barely know
And while getting to know the one world we are living on
There are (understatement) many more places beyond our world that we have yet to explore
So if adventure is your thing
Pack your bags and get ready to take on anything that comes your way here on
This Week in Science,
Coming Up Next…

An Interview with Dr. Brian Keating

Dr. Brian Keating is a Professor of physics at the Center for Astrophysics & Space Sciences in the Department of Physics at the University of California, San Diego where he leads the Ax Center For Experimental Cosmology. He is also Associate Director of the Arthur Clarke Center for Human
Imagination. He authored “Losing the Nobel Prize: A Story of Cosmology, Ambition, and the Perils of
Science’s Highest Honor”. In 2016, Keating was named Director of the Simons Observatory in northern Chile, which when completed in 2022 will be the world’s highest altitude and most sensitive instrument ever designed to study the origins of the
Universe. ”

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This Week in What Has Science Done for me Lately?!?

“What has Science done for me lately?
Science has allowed me the luxury of contemplation. Science has allowed me the knowledge of my world to be able to see the beauty of it all through the details of it all. Science has allowed me to be able to sit on a beach mesmerized by the awesomeness of the ocean knowing full well that there are more water molecules in a glass of water than there are glasses of water in the ocean. Science has allowed me to hold the sand in my hand and know that the sand does not actually touch me nor do the grains of sand touch each other but that we are all are held slightly apart, suspended by the interactions of the electrons filling the surface. Science allows me to contemplate that even though I sit on the beach I am mostly empty space and if that space were removed I would be reduced to the size of the grains of sand that stick to my skin. I can gaze at a beautiful sunset knowing that the gorgeous sight is made visible by the light streaming into my eyes after a 93 million mile journey from a ball of plasma and that it only took it 8 minutes to get to me, but that doesn’t diminish the beauty of the moment it heightens it! It makes the moment that much more awe inspiring because while I – a small bag of atoms – sit on this one beach on this one small planet in this ordinary system in this average arm of this common galaxy in this vast universe. I am here and I am alive and I can appreciate it for what it really is. All because men and women striving for truth, striving to know this place and our place in it have made it possible. Science has given me perspective and gratitude and for that I am truly and forever grateful.
-Minion Dale Moore-
(Last submission Oct 2017 wrote in as a technophile.
Love the show, love you, Twitter: @thegooglefan)”

Some Science News From This Week in Science

Here is what you need to know about the global decline of insects.

Heart-Shaped Tail
Just in time for Valentine’s, a dinosaur discovered with a heart-shaped tail.

Neandertal footprints in the sand
Apparently, footprints preserved in sand are thought to be Neandertal in nature.

Quicker start to life on earth
Did scientists really find 2.1 billion year old ameboid slime trails in rock?

Blair’s Animal Corner!… with Blair!

Love is for losers
The more “sensitive” crickets, or rather, those that can’t stand up for themselves, tend to do better with the ladies. So take that, Brad!

Oral Contraceptives may alter emotional intelligence
Women on the pill had a harder time recognizing facial cues of certain subtle emotions. But does it make them worse than men?

And Some Quick Science News Stories To End The Show

Valentine’s Drinking Plans
The order doesn’t matter, according to a scientific study in which scientists got people drunk.

Ultima Pancake
Ultima Thule apparently looks more like my pancakes than a snowman.

Mars Of Lost Loves
Mars One is going bankrupt.
In a sad turn of events, Opportunity rover did not respond today after 15 years exploring over 45 kilometers of the red planet’s surface in a mission that was to last only 90 days. A dust storm last year is thought to have disrupted it’s solar panels leading to its demise.

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About the Author

I'm the host of this little science show.